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Tips & Tricks for a Healthy Mindset

Most people these days are trying harder at the attempt of being healthy. With the influences of social media and whole lot of other reasons, they focus completely on the outer parts of themselves the physical attributes. While they are solely focusing on that they may make changes like fix their diet by eating healthier and change their gym routine. This is a great change but there is one other thing that is of most importance in having a healthy lifestyle, and that is taking care of your mental health.

If you live with a positive mindset not only will you see great changes, but your day to day life challenges will be much easier to tackle. You will be more optimistic and think that anything is possible if you just focus on being positive.

Tip 1: Read

From experience I can say that focusing on my mental health and thinking positive thoughts can really change the way you look at life. My advice is to read self help books that focus on your mind. Reading these can make you feel calm and relaxed. A great bonus is that it makes you feel so good because you are learning. Great books that I highly recommend are "Ask & It is Given" by Esther & Jerry Hicks, and also "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.

Tip 2: Meditate

Find 10-20 minutes to fit into your daily routine to just relax somewhere quiet, and just clear your mind. Doing this really improves your general mood and also helps you feel more calm about your day. If you meditate everyday I 100% guarantee your life will change and all negative energy will disappear. It will feel so good that you will want to keep doing it over and over again.

Tip 3: Be grateful

A couple more minutes you can add to your day. Just reflect and think about all the things you are grateful for. It is important we do this because sometimes when life gets so hectic and theres a lot of negativity you tend to focus on the bad things and not the good. A great thing to do is just think about what it is you are grateful for, you can write them down, say them out loud or just in your head. Every person should have something they are grateful for.

Tip 4: Except yourself

I know we are all guilty of comparing ourselves to others. When theres all this social media with Instagram models and "perfect" looking people it's very easy to pick out all the "flaws" in yourself. We have all done it. But You know what? Just stop. Stop doing it, it's not healthy for your mind. Don't compare yourself to others, only you can look like you. No one else can. Learn to be happy within yourself for who you are. Think about the good things that make you, YOU.

If you're not completely happy about your body or how you feel daily about your energy to do things, you can make improvements. But first you have to except yourself for who you are. You won't ever look like anyone else but you can look more like an improved you. Which brings me to tip 5.

Tip 5: Eat Healthier

Now this one can seem pretty obvious right? Change your diet. If you are running low on energy in your daily lifestyle its obvious you need to make some changes. First start off with eating more vegetables, if you can buy organic thats even better but if you can't no worries. Try and stay away from processed foods and meats. They can contain many chemicals and ingredients and impact your body and mind in a negative way. Another one to stay away from is caffeine and foods that contain a high amount of sugar.

Theres a whole lot more to eating healthy, but the main thing to focus on is eating clean, fresh whole foods and your body and mind will thank you for it.

Tip 6: Exercise

This one is another obvious tip but basically just strive to do at least 30 mins of exercise a day. Not only is it good to keep you healthy and fit, but its also great to keep you happy and motivated. You should think of exercise as something that will keep you happy and heathy in the long run. Rather than a place where you have to go to "lose weight" OR "Get BIG".

Tip 7: Surround yourself with good people

In order to have a healthy mind set you should be hanging around the people that have a positive outlook. You really pick up traits of people who you hang out with so make sure you're hanging around good people who bring out the best in you and you bring out the best in them. Not only is this beneficial but you will notice the difference in the way you motivate yourself. You will want better things and not be dragged down by negativity.

Tip 8: Focus on what you can control

Try not to dwell on the things that are not in your control, this will cause stress and you will start to spiral down into negativity. You want to avoid this. Sometimes in life not everything will go the way you want it to, but thats okay. You can accept that, look on the more positive side of things and just let it go. If there is task that seems very big and you want to reach that goal you can. You have to believe in it, break it down into smaller steps and work your way up to it.

Don't give up, this is important. To reach the goals we want we are going to come across obstacles and challenges to get it. If you fall back down and feel lost, remember why you wanted it in the first place and get back up again. Things take time, don't rush it. Just keep swimming as Dory from Finding Nemo says.

Hope this Blog was helpful for you guys, it's my first blog so please don't judge. Im not a writer but please let me know if you feel there is anything else I could elaborate on. Thanks for reading.

Peace and love y'all xxx


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